
Wednesday 18 February 2009

The CV Did The Trick - Interview Preparation

The CV did the trick and you're now preparing for an Interview. So what now?
  1. Start by finding out as much as you can about the company in question. The interviewer will rightly see your efforts as a sign of commitment.
  2. Research the company products, staff, culture, clients and competitors; positive or negative. Check its latest investments, check its people, check its stock performance - see what you can find out about the interviewer.
  3. Look on the company’s website, ask your recruitment consultant for any other information you feel you need and carefully read over the job description they have sent to you.
  4. Make sure you are certain of the interview structure (some companies run panel interviews, others are one-to-one, will there be any testing?) and are fully prepared for all elements of it.
  5. Know the exact place and time of the interview, the interviewer's full name and correct pronunciation of it, and his/her title
  6. If it helps YOU, visualise and rehearse the interview - be ready to "run the interview" if necessary
  7. Devise a list of questions to ask the interviewer (what do you need to ask?)
  8. Get a map and plan your journey carefully, allowing plenty of time for any unforeseen travel delays.
Time spent preparing prior to the interview will really pay off on the day. Find out all you can about the organisation. Being fully prepared and informed about the company, plus asking lots of intelligent and relevant questions at an interview always impresses an interviewer.


Try to locate the most recent annual report, any recent strategy presentations or corporate updates. You'll be surprised how much is said about whats gonne well and whats looking to be improved upon hence, how YOU can help support these efforts.

Have a look at the board members; anyone you know or have heard of? Any recent additions or departures? Though it may only be an hour, look and sound prepared.

Take a folder with your role, company & job research containing your notes - using a highlighter pen to tease out the most pertinent points.

Understand the companies mission / vision - what are they they to achieve and how do YOU think / now they are going about trying to achieve it.

It shouldn't take you more than one hour in the first instance to pull together your initial research AND when you are successful at the first interview and get called back for the second interview, you'll already have done the background research on whoch you can build.

Assuming that is, you've kepy all you notes safe & sound.

Mre posts: Preparing for an Interview


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