
Friday, 12 October 2012

Personalised Job Feeds

Thanks to technology, looking for a job today seems to require an advanced degree in data analysis. There are millions of positions posted online across an ever-changing landscape of job boards, company websites, social networks, apps, and more. To help simplify the search for a new role some time ago, I used one of my twitter IDs (@aproductmanager) to create my own, personal job feed.
  1. Get specific.  Your first step in cultivating a personal job feed is to get clear on the exact terms that best match the jobs you want. If you cast too wide a net, you'll receive too many results that waste your time and energy.
  2. Locate / Save the RSS feeds for the searches you find. These are provided on most job board or websites.
  3. Get yourself a twitterfeed account (AND a different twitter account). The most effective way to use Twitter for your job search is to keep your job search-related activity separate from your other Twitter activity (i.e. @aproductmanager versus @garypine, such as following the tweets of your friends or breaking news tweets.
Once a day, check what new roles have been posted through your very own, personalised job feed.

Easy Peasy. Good luck!

More posts in Using Social Media to find a Job

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