
Thursday, 14 May 2009

Using Facebook in Your Job Search

Everyone is on Facebook these days. Maybe even your future employer. Here are 7 tips for using Facebook to find your next job.
1. Choose your photo wisely.Those fun and cute photos of you with your pet, a Simpsons avatar, or even a celebrity are ok if you are already employed (assuming you don't violate company policy) and do not have your resume/CV on every major job board. You potential employer very may well check your Internet reputation, including Facebook, when deciding if you are right for the job. Post a cropped headshot set against a white background that shows you smiling. Let you first impression be one of a friendly person that your future teammates will like to have around.
2. Pay attention to your personal information.If your potential employer finds your Facebook profile you can believe they will click on your Info tab. The About Me section should clearly and succinctly state your professional goals as it relates to your job. For example: Actively seeking a public relations position in the telecommunications industry where my education and experience will enhance the company bottom line. This is not the place to say you collect Hello Kitty purses. Again, this is exactly the place for that if you are looking for a job in the fashion industry.
Best sure to link to your blog or other websites you have created ONLY if they are examples of the skills or interests that are closely related to the job you seek. The Pages you have become a fan of will also show here so choose which ones to "fan" wisely. You don't want to try and work for the "National Beef Council" if you are a fan of the "Vegetarians Rule" page, and alas you probably wouldn't anyway. But you get the point. Treat your Facebook Info box as if it were a cover letter: you want to make an excellent impression.
3. Delete those silly applications.It is possible to block the drinks, sheep throwing, are you a hottie and other trivial applications that makes Facebook so much fun. For the time you are unemployed you want to project a professional image. Of course it is possible to add fun applications that match your job skills and reflect the job you want. For example, if you are looking for jobs in the gaming industry you should have the latest, trendiest game applications on your profile. This can show you keep up with the trends. Choose your applications wisely.
4. Add the business applications that let you shine.There are many business applications on Facebook that you can add to your profile to enhance your professional image. You can add a LinkedIn badge that redirects to your LinkedIn profile. You can add a business card application that states what you are looking for. You can upload your resume/CV. You can follow industry trends. You can even add a "What I Do" application that lists your skills to your profile and then lists your profile in their directory.
5. Add job search applications.That seems so obvious but I had to say it. There are dozens and dozens of job applications on Facebook that were created by large job boards and small niche ones as well. Type in "jobs" in the application directory search box and take the time to look through all of them. Some will make more sense to add than others. Add each and everyone that had the potential to reap a reward. And be your own Facebook application by using the search function these to find people who work where you want to work.
6. Know what your friends are saying.Your friends and friends of friend's activities will show up in the news feed on your profile page. Watch what they are saying. If it reflects badly on you in the eyes of a potential employer get tough and remove that friend. This need only be temporary as once you are gainfully employed you can reactivate these friendships. Your true friends will understand and those "fake" friends will not even notice.
7. Status is everything.Use your status bar to look for work and get help from your Facebook friends. For example, update your status every time you answer a job advertisement, when you are researching a potential employer or when you have been called in for an interview. For example: Just saw an ad for a great job at XYZ company. Does anyone have any inside information about XYZ? I'm sending in my resume/CV today.
Here is where your network may come in handy. Check your Facebook email and don't be surprised if you hear from XYZ Company directly. Facebook is fun, but it can also be an effective job search tool. Start by applying these seven steps and you will discover additional ways to enhance your job search.
Source: click HERE

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