
Wednesday, 8 July 2009

Jobsite launch Jobs by Twitter

Jobsite have launched their new Jobs by Twitter service to help make job hunting easier for Twitter's thousands of UK users. Unlike many other jobs offerings currently on Twitter, Jobsite's service provides users with personal tweets listing only relevant jobs to them.

Keith Potts, Jobsite CEO, comments; 'As a Twitter user I know how frustrating it is to get an endless stream of irrelevant jobs constantly being sent to you. This is why we've developed our service on Twitter, to enable users to select their own criteria for the jobs they want to receive, including location and salary. They can also choose the frequency that they want to receive new jobs, which will always be sent to them as private tweets.'

Sending jobs via the direct message function on Twitter ensures that the candidates' job hunting remains private and can't be seen by their followers. It also means they will only get the relevant jobs they want and won't be bothered by vacancies signed up to by another user.

Twitter has become a social networking phenomenon, with 17 million logging on to the site between March and April 2009 - an increase of 83% on the previous month . The site offers a real time messaging service with users limited to 140 characters in each tweet. It also allows you to follow people or topics of interest. As well as providing jobs, Jobsite's new service on Twitter also includes useful advice tweets to help followers with their job hunt.

Potts continues; 'An integral part of Jobsite's success is our continued innovation and ability to develop our offering in line with new technology. With so many users actively engaging with Twitter it is an ideal new platform for us to help those looking for a new job get one quickly and easily via our award winning technology. Reaching out to where new candidates are, rather than waiting for them to come to us, is also key in ensuring the widest possible reach for our clients' vacancies.'

To see how Jobsite's Jobs by Twitter service works follow Jobsitejobs:

Press Release: HERE

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